EAGET U90 Tablet PC USB 3.0 Portable Storage Memory Full Metal Waterproof with Key Ring

$ 37,99 $ 73,06

Features: Sturdy metal design, solid protection and exquisite design. Fits on a key ring, whenever and wherever get a storage device along with you. Fast data transfer rates up to 5GB/s ( theoretical ). Waterproof and shockproof design. Antistatic, antimagnetic, and heat resisting. UDP technology, high speed and more stable storage. NOTE: Normally we default 1G=1000MB while computer see it as 1G=1024MB, so the real capacity of disk should be: capacity(2,4,8..)X1000/1024-capacity of system.

Les catégories: Ordinateurs et accessoires, Composants pour PC
Marque: eaget
Code produit: 663_11281_C2849-64
Disponibilité: En stock
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